2007. Installation audiovisuelle, installation sonore.
Barrage Vauban "ponts couverts". Vidéo-les-beaux-jours. Strasbourg. France.

Portrait vidéo en  trois écrans de Strasbourg à travers une déambulation dans la ville actuelle et dans son histoire en mélant récits intimes, rencontres, déambulations à travers le passé et ses rues - Une relation père-fils chez un menuisier, un ancien cimetière juif, les travaux de la gare, une ballade en bateau-mouche, les travaux de l'ancien tram démonté…


L'installation s’inscrit dans le cadre de ART OF MEMORY qui se déroulaient simultanément dans les villes de Bristol, Muenster, Athènes et Padoue.




The installation is part of the ART OF MEMORY project sponsored by the cultural program 2000 and the European Union. It takes place simultaneously in the cities of Bristol, Muenster, Athens, and Padua. Five artists from five different european cities created pieces starting with places that underwent radical changes and development within the last fifty years.


I suggest a video portrait of Strasbourg through a strolling in the actual city and its history. Mixing intimate stories, meetings, strolling through Past and its streets. A father-and-son relationship in a joiner's shop, An old jewish cemetery, the train station under renovation, an old inaccessible german hospital under a mall, a short cruise of the city on a panorama boat, the former tramway labor. Finally, the installation gathers three screens placed side by side above a cell of “ les ponts couvert” ( sheltering damaged statues from the Strasbourg cathedral.) and synchronized together.